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Game-Play of Battle Tank 3D : Build in Unity
(Please Watch Video for Full Demonstration)
- Fully Customizable code architecture.
- MVC, Singleton and Observer Design Patterns are used. 
- NavMesh Agent for Enemy Patrolling.
- State Machine Behaviours for Enemy AI.
- Smart Spawning System for  Fiar Gameplay and Game Design.
  • Download Zip File
  • GitHub Link For Project
2D Platformer : Build in Unity
- Fully Customizable level win conditions.
- Different Types of collectibles, flexible code architecture.
- Use of Unity Physics and collisions for Implementing Player Mechanics.
- Core 2D Platformer mechanics covered such as Flip, Player Movement, Enemy States,  Collectables.
- Working Level and Basic Sound System.
- Basic UI covered such as pause, restart, resume, and quit Game.
  • GitHub Link For Project
Game of Life Cell Simulation: Build in Unity
- Fully working simulation for Game of life by Conway's
- Simulation follows rules such as - 
  1. Any live cell with two or three live neighbors survives.

  2. Any dead cell with three live neighbors becomes a live cell.

  3. All other live cells die in the next generation. Similarly, all other dead cells stay dead.

- Link for the full description of Problem -> Click Here 
- Hitting Keyboard key M to start the simulation again.
  • GitHub Link For Project
Bomberman Replica : Build in Unity
- Fully Randomized Map Creation for every restart.
- Enemy Patroling AI spawning randomly at the start of the game.
- Fully working prototype of Bomberman Game.
- Player Movement and bomb spawning mechanism.
- Different types of tiles ( Bomb Destructible/ Non- Destructible) 
- Game Loop and Score Updation.
  • GitHub Link For Project
Game-Play of Space Shooter 2D : Build in Unity 
- This is my first project which demonstrates all the basics of Unity Engine 
- Covered key concepts such as physics, collision, Scene Management, and many more
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